I was in the U.S. for a few weeks and have just returned to Canada. I have to say, the culture shock continues to grow, the more I am away from my old home. Here's an example: I turn on the local morning news and they are very pleased to report that the city of Tacoma is training a SWAT team to take over the city's metro buses in case of an emergency. They showed the policemen in their paramilitary gear, masks and assault weapons charging onto a bus.
If you know anything about the city of Tacoma, you know they have much better uses for their money. Knowing their priorities are so backward in a city who's people are in need infuriates me. It did when I lived in the U.S., and it still does.
You get numb to this sort of thing in the U.S. - the police-state nature of things, the killing, the violence. Canada isn't perfect by any means (we all remember the G-20 meeting here), but, how to put it? The police aren't going to show off this sort of thing, and if the media does get a hold of it, they are likely to question it. In the U.S., no questions asked.
It's nice to be back home.